20+ Landing Page Examples To Inspire Your Design [+Templates] 您所在的位置:网站首页 180 text button landing pages 20+ Landing Page Examples To Inspire Your Design [+Templates]

20+ Landing Page Examples To Inspire Your Design [+Templates]

#20+ Landing Page Examples To Inspire Your Design [+Templates]| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Landing Page Examples

Let’s be honest, redesigning your landing pages is hard. But creating landing pages from scratch is even harder.

Which kind of landing pages are best suited for your industry? What kind of landing page should you create for a specific use case? How do you achieve the delicate balance between great landing page design and copy?

Trust me, I’ve been there and I’ve had the same questions. What’s helped me most in situations like these is looking outward for inspiration.

In this guide, we’re going to share some of the best landing page examples we’ve found online spanning multiple industries and use cases.

Here’s what this guide will cover (click to skip ahead):

Software Landing Page Examples Product Landing Page Examples Ecommerce Landing Page Examples App Landing Page Examples Coming Soon Landing Page Examples Consulting and Agency Landing Page Examples Ebook Landing Page Examples

We’ve also sprinkled in some of our landing page templates so you can start with creating your own landing pages right away!

Looking for inspiration to spice up your landing page redesign? You’ve come to the right place.

How do you use our landing page templates?

There are plenty of ways you use our landing page templates. Here are three of them:

Mockup for your own landing page: Communicating how your landing pages should look like with designers or engineers can be tricky unless you create a landing page mockup to visualize and communicate your ideas.  Raise funding for your startup: Your startup may not have a homepage yet but that doesn’t mean you can’t raise money. A self-made landing page mockup included in your investor deck can bring your idea to life and convince investors to back you. Win new clients for your agency: Want to close more deals and make more sales? Focus on show, don’t tell. Customize a landing page template to show clients what their new landing page could look like if they work with you. Attach it with your proposal or business pitch deck.

For example, this ecommerce landing page is optimized for driving sales and can be used as a mockup for your final landing page:

Landing Page Examples

This is, however, just one use case. You can also create landing pages to:

Convert website visitors into trial signups for your software. Convince visitors to download your mobile app. Sell your digital and physical products online. Validate a new business idea before you decide to go all in.  Generate fresh leads for your agency or consulting business.

Let’s dive right in.

1. Software landing page examples Stripe software landing page

When it comes to software landing pages, I’ve been left stunned by Stripe’s recent landing page redesign.

Stripe is one of the biggest financial services startups on this planet that prides itself on knowing three things very well: finance, technology, and design.

And their penchant for good design and user experience is reflected on this software landing page:

Stripe Landing Page Design


To be completely objective, their landing page design has plenty of fancy bells and whistles.

I’m talking about the gradient animation which could affect page speed and battery, poor text readability, unclear and small call-to-action (CTA), etc.

Your software landing pages should stay away from any bells and whistles. My advice? Keep it simple.

Monday sign up landing page

On the topic of keeping it simple, minimalist landing page design has so far been one of the most popular graphic design trends in 2020.

Who better to showcase as an example than Monday? Their sign up landing page is clean, minimalist, and easy on the eyes:

Landing Page Examples


Bonus points for the hard-to-miss red CTAs and the auto-scrolling use cases in the hero section that showcase all the ways teams and departments can use Monday.

Venngage software landing page template

If you’re like me and you loved how Monday approached their landing page design, I’ve got a similar software landing page template for you. 

The software landing page below is organized, minimalist, and easy to read. Perfect if you’re a startup that offers a simple and easy-to-use software.

Go ahead and edit this software landing page template right now:

Landing Page Examples

2. Product landing page examples TransferWise interactive landing page

Another financial services company on this list? What can I say, Transferwise’s take on the traditional product landing page was too good to ignore. 

Transferwise has quickly become one of the easiest ways to send and receive money abroad and their interactive product landing page example is what made me a customer too:

Landing Page Examples


You can’t really go wrong with a live currency calculator that works both ways and showcases both the conversion breakdown as well as the fees in a no-nonsense way.

The kicker? Their product landing page has multiple CTAs aimed at either educating you, establishing trust and credibility, and most importantly: enticing you to sign up.

If you’re already convinced, all you need to do is click “get started.” Want to learn more? Click the “see what we’re all about” button and an explainer video will pop up.

At the end of the day, their goal is to convert unknown visitors into registers. So the big, bold, and green CTA always takes center stage.

Like I said earlier, I recommend keeping your product landing pages simple.

Your resources could be better spent elsewhere (like figuring out your online marketing strategy). Especially if you’re a small to medium business or just starting out.

Astra product landing page 

I’ve come across a lot of product landing page examples in my time as a marketer, but I recently happened to stumble upon Astra’s landing page. I instantly knew this was the best product landing page I’ve seen in a while.

But why? For starters, their headline is intriguing yet targets a pain-point all website owners face. Their following subheading paints a “what-if” scenario that further agitates this pain.

Astra concludes with a CTA that positions them as a solution aimed at helping any website owner secure their website in three mins which are both hyper-specific and time-bound.

Not only that, but they’ve also done a great job listing down the biggest companies using Astra to assure potential customers that they’re in good company:

Landing Page Examples


Venngage product landing page template

Here’s an actual product landing page template our designers came up with that you can tinker with and customize to your liking. 

This landing page template comes with all the standard elements like the hero section, how it works, multiple CTAs, and social proof in the form of customer testimonials.

If you’re selling any form of software or physical product, this versatile product landing page template is your best bet:

Landing Page Examples

Pro Tip: Worried your landing page designs won’t look on brand? With our My Brand Kit feature you can apply your company branding to all your designs (including our landing pages) instantly.  Import your brand colors, logos and fonts and apply them to any design with one-click. It’s that simple. Learn more about Brand Kit here.

3. Ecommerce landing page examples Casper ecommerce landing page 

Another example of landing page design done right comes from mattress wizards Casper.

The headline makes an audacious claim that hooks the visitor right in, the unique selling proposition is enticing and the use of popular media houses as social proof adds credibility to their offering.

All in all a simple structure, elegant design and persuasive messaging makes Casper’s landing page design one of the best in the ecommerce space:

Landing Page Examples


Pro Tip: If you want to increase landing page conversions, use social proof to your advantage. Featured in TIME Magazine? Received raving testimonials from influencers? Scored a 5/5 rating from customers? Show them off on your landing page.

Dollar shave club viral landing page 

A company known for its genius marketing backed by a no-nonsense attitude, it’s hard to debate the monumental success of Dollar Shave Club’s product launch.

While pretty bare-bones in terms of design when compared to most ecommerce landing page examples, this landing page coupled with their viral video helped Dollar Shave Club land approximately 12,000 new customers in just 48 hours.

Talk about going viral.

While the viral video’s humor and authenticity did the heavy legwork, this ecommerce landing page does everything right–from nailing down the selling proposition to the brilliant use of social proof:

Landing Page Examples


Almost a decade and an acquisition later, the parent company Unilever has opted to go the traditional ecommerce landing page route with Dollar Shave Club:

Landing Page Examples


Venngage ecommerce landing page template

Inspired by the ecommerce landing page examples above, we also created a landing page template you can play around with right now. 

This ecommerce landing page template I shared earlier has a stylish hero section with a contrasting CTA, simple selling proposition in three points, and social proof in the form of media mentions and customer reviews:

Landing Page Examples

4. App landing page examples Hopper app landing page

Hopper is a popular travel app with an in-app user experience that is the best I’ve ever had.

But let’s stick to the topic of landing pages here. Hopper’s app landing page is simple, easy-to-read, and filled with playful icons, dreamy illustrations, and minimal use of text.

What’s most unique about this mobile app landing page is no matter if you use your desktop or smartphone browser, they’ll always redirect you with a link to download their mobile app.

And when I experienced their mobile app for the first time, I understood their reasoning:

Landing Page Examples


AnyList mobile app landing page

If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll notice a lot of mobile app landing pages tend to be minimalist in nature both in terms of content as well as copy. 

The biggest reason for this is simple: your visitors are probably searching for your mobile app on their mobile devices. With limited screen real estate, you have to make every word count.

The grocery list app AnyList doesn’t overcomplicate things and instead follows the traditional app landing page design very well.

Minimal copy (often a few lines at most), a high-res image of the app in-action followed up by download links to their apps–it really can’t get more straightforward than this.

AnyList is proof that when it comes to app landing pages, sometimes boring can be better:

Landing Page Examples


Venngage app landing page template

To help you bring your app idea to life, we’ve created our own mobile app landing page templates in-house based on the app landing page designs we’ve seen across the interwebs. 

For starters, this mobile app landing page template comes equipped with fancy yet visually-arresting illustrations as well as multiple but strategically scattered CTAs:

Landing Page Examples

Prefer something much more basic? Our designers have even created an above the fold version of an app landing page that includes a headline, description, app image as well as download links:

Landing Page Examples

5. Coming soon landing page examples Playdate coming soon landing page

Coming soon landing pages are perfect for announcing a new product or service you’re working on. They also come in handy for validating new business ideas. 

Panic Inc. used a coming soon landing page for their new product. Their goal? Create a buzz around the launch of their new handheld gaming console: Playdate.

Now, this isn’t the traditional landing page structure you’ve seen repeated so far in this post. The focus for this coming soon landing page is the content. 

It reminds me of a long sales letter. The key difference in Playdate’s case is that it feels more like a conversation and less like a sales letter.

And with sleek landing page design, beautiful product images, and a simple CTA to be notified when they launch, it’s hard to debate what all the hype is about:

Landing Page Examples


Brainfood pre-launch app landing page 

Here’s some more coming soon landing page design inspiration for you. It comes from the bright minds behind Brainfood.

Above the fold, Brainfood focuses on only three elements:

Headline: Crisp and easy to understand selling proposition. Minus the buzzwords. Hero image: Showcasing the app in action with an explainer video. CTA: Tucked away on the top right Inviting users to sign up. 

If you’re a fan of keeping things simple like me, I’m sure you’ll appreciate this coming soon landing page design:

Landing Page Examples


Venngage coming soon landing page template

As I said above, if your goal is to validate a new business idea or create buzz for your new product or service, coming soon landing pages are your best bet. 

The best part? Since they’re typically just above the fold, creating them is fairly easy and straightforward.

If you’re trying to get your startup off the ground, it would be wise to validate your startup idea first. Otherwise, you might end up creating something nobody wants.

Here’s a startup coming soon landing page template you can use to validate if your delivery startup idea is a yay or a nay: 

Landing Page Examples

Announcing a new product or service? Use a coming soon landing page to build ample buzz before you launch. Even if it’s a travel blog you’ve been excited to launch: 

Landing Page Examples

6. Consulting and agency landing page examples Rob Sobers blog landing page

Among the sheer number of personal blog landing pages out there, the one I will most likely steal for myself comes from marketing consultant Rob Sobers. Sorry, Rob. 

Upon visiting his website, you’re greeted with a simple homepage. Any flashy bells or whistles are absent and this “less is more” approach shines in both his website content and design.

Copy that’s different yet striking, a simple CTA to join his email newsletter and a low-key navigation bar are what I like most about this landing page example:

Landing Page Examples


Pro Tip: If you’re a consultant like Rob, blogging and writing email newsletters definitely help. I’d also recommend experimenting with a few client testimonials and case studies that showcase any past client wins. You can also offer case studies as a free download to website visitors in exchange for their email. More on lead generation later. 

Shortlist agency landing page

While I have a natural bias towards marketing-oriented landing pages, I think you’ll agree with me when I say that Shortlist’s landing page redesign looks better than most sales landing page examples out there.

From a design perspective, muted color palettes, creative use of color gradients and colorful illustrations that pop are what I like about this agency landing page:

Landing Page Examples


From a marketing angle, I’m also a fan of their creative sales copy, the bold red CTA and social proof in the form of brands they’ve worked with.

The bottom line? Optimize each individual element of your landing page design and you’ll come away with a sales landing page that will convince most visitors to hit that big red “let’s talk!” button.

Venngage agency landing page template

If you’re looking to generate leads for your agency or consulting business, you need an agency landing page that not only converts but also achieves a balance between design and copy.

You’re in luck because here’s a learn more sales landing page template that checks all the boxes:

Landing Page Examples

This sales landing page template is different because it asks prospects for their contact details upfront, provides a compelling reason to do so and also includes a phone number so prospects can directly get in touch with you if they have questions.

7. Ebook landing page examples Unbounce ebook landing page

If there’s one company on this planet that understands good landing page design, it’s our friends at Unbounce.

Among the plethora of landing pages I’ve seen from Unbounce, this ebook landing page design is crisp, clean and communicates everything you need to know about their ebook and why you should download it:

Landing Page Examples


With this email capture landing page, Unbounce has a simple goal: to generate highly-qualified leads by offering first-time visitors a free ebook as opposed to trying to convert them into a customer the first time (which rarely works).

Marketing for developers ebook landing page

In this landing page example, I love how Justin provides two versions of his digital product: an ebook and an online course to appeal to both readers and viewers in his target audience.

The simple design, long-form sales copy and real customer reviews make this landing page easy to read, persuasive and authentic.

Not only that, in his explainer video Justin briefly explains everything about the program succinctly by first showcasing the pain point and then positioning his program as a solution.

And while this isn’t strictly an ebook landing page example, it does follow the standard ebook landing page design I’m all too familiar with:

Landing Page Examples


The real kicker: Justin is so confident in his program that he offers a free chapter from his ebook so first-time visitors can experience part of his program before making a purchasing decision.

This also helps Justin convert skeptical buyers into potential leads he can offer genuine value to first before he asks for a sale. Talk about a win-win.

Venngage email capture landing page template

As pointed out earlier, you can generate leads in more ways than one. And the process is fairly similar irrespective of whether you’re an agency, consultant or software business.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or confused, I’d recommend starting small. Create an ebook and offer it as a lead magnet on your email capture landing page to start generating leads. 

Here’s a simple ebook landing page template to get you started:

Landing Page Examples

Once you’ve gotten a feel for how ebooks help with lead generation, start tinkering around with other forms of lead magnets like white papers, infographics and checklists. 

Identify the type of offering that resonates most with your target audience before you start optimizing your landing page. For example, a Fortune 500 executive might be more interested in a white paper instead of a checklist.

Pro Tip: ebooks, white papers and checklists make great lead magnets because they’re easy to create. If you can spend some time and resources, I’d also recommend experimenting with creating an email newsletter or an in-depth industry report to generate higher quality leads. Feeling adventurous? Try hosting a webinar.

Your turn to create your best landing pages yet

Congratulations, you’ve made it to the end of this guide. Now you have a solid understanding of the best landing page examples that tend to work for various industries and specific use cases. 

As I’ve said, the key to creating landing pages that convert is to mainly get the content and design right. Only then will the conversions follow.

How to make your website REALER

• Plain > Pretentious • Faces > Illustrations • Social proof at every opportunity pic.twitter.com/gO4tY3LQWz

— Marketing Examples (@GoodMarketingHQ) July 16, 2020

Before you create your landing page, remember these following tips: Keep it simple, stupid (KISS): The best landing pages that convert are easy on the eyes and easy to read.  Use social proof: New visitors need to trust you before they buy. Eliminate their skepticism by showcasing media mentions, influencer quotes and testimonials from customers just like them.  Talk like a human: Less “The AI Visitor Conversion Platform” and more “How Small Brands Sell More Online” Your copy should talk like a human would. Don’t repeat yourself (DRY): Landing pages have limited real estate, use it wisely. Hone in on your message and don’t repeat yourself to make sure you communicate the value of your offer effectively.  A/B test everything: A/B test your landing pages frequently to identify what works best. Test individual elements like design, copy, selling proposition, CTAs, social proof, and get granular from there.

Lastly, don’t forget to use cross browser testing tools to ensure your landing pages are compatible across some of the most popular web browsers and operating systems.

Now that you know how to make your own landing page or give your existing landing pages a visual facelift, it’s time to take action.

Want to learn more? Here are some more marketing and design content, handpicked for you:

7 Tips For Using Visuals to Create Landing Pages That Convert

Landing Pages That Convert

20+ Amazing eBook Templates + Design Tips for Beginners 

Ebook Templates

Website Marketing for Small Businesses: The Ultimate Guide 

Website Marketing Small Business

Real-time Collaboration






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